I reside in an area I consider to be one of the most beautiful areas in the continent of North America. In grade school, I dreamt of gazing at tide pools on the Pacific Northwest coast. Ocean Detritus is inspired by where the ocean meets the land and is an ongoing body of work.
Ideas come from walking along the wrack line in cool grey weather. I take photographs of compositions of this space and ponder on how I can express what I am experiencing in weaving and sculptural forms.
Along with place, the materials I select are equally important to the meaning and experience of the work. A rogue, frayed piece of rope, Scouler's surfgrass (Phyllospadix scouleri), or Bull kelp (Nereocystis luetkeana) can often be the starting point for weaving. These materials are accompanied by locally sourced wool dyed with plant pigments. Everything is traceable and is essential to the story of the piece.
Most projects are implemented on a floor loom, while some are woven like baskets. I'm not limited to these tools but prefer working in this way.
This project remains ongoing. These works aim to capture and share a moment where the viewer is witnessing a piece of algae undulating in the surf, a vast horizon, or where the sea meets the sand.